GRENADIER, hailing from Canada, crashes into the Melodic Death Metal scene like a battalion of tanks. Their roots trace back to the infamous ARGHOSLENT, but don’t mistake them for mere imitators. Their debut album, „Trumpets Blare in Blazing Glory“, released in 2022, doesn’t just follow in the footsteps of their influences—it tramples over them with a more refined brutality.
From the opening blast of „Atrocity Cycle,“ the album wastes no time with pleasantries. The guitars tear through the mix with vicious, yet melodic riffs that echo the folk-tinged fury of ARGHOSLENTS’s „Incorrigible Bigotry“ and „Hornets of the Pogrom“. But GRENADIER doesn’t stop at imitation. They inject more melody into the carnage, crafting riffs that cut deeper and resonate longer, standing out from the harsher barrage. The drumming is a relentless assault, pounding through a diverse array of beats that drive the war-like atmosphere forward. The bass, thick and groovy, provides a rock-solid foundation, weaving seamlessly with the guitar work to create a cohesive battlefield of sound. It’s these melodic flourishes, coupled with the album’s raw aggression, that elevate the entire experience beyond mere homage.
Vocalist Adam Sharr from NOCTURNAL PRAYER delivers a performance that feels like a death growl from the front lines. Ditching the shrieks of his other projects, he opts for deep, guttural roars that perfectly match the album’s unyielding intensity. Tracks like „Storm Attrition“ showcase his ability to contrast melodic triumph with savage growls, creating a dynamic that pulls you deeper into the chaotic narrative. The shrieks, when they do appear, are like the final, crazed battle cry before the onslaught begins. If his previous work hinted at his potential, this album cements it, pushing his vocal prowess to new, ferocious heights.
In many ways, „Trumpets Blare in Blazing Glory“ could be seen as a natural evolution of ARGHOSLENT’s legacy, but with a more melodic edge and none of the controversial baggage. GRENADIER takes the best elements of their predecessors, sharpens them, and forges an album that stands tall on its own. If you’re in search of a band that channels the spirit of ARGHOSLENT while offering something new and deadly, GRENADIER is your answer. This isn’t just another clone—it’s a force to be reckoned with.
Label: Drakkar Productions / 2022